Nebraska law now requires that electric utilities be notified in writing ten days prior to when an oversized load is to be transported through their service territory. One of the new requirements that have been added is that the transporter must carry with them written acknowledgement from each utility the oversized load is moved through. The transporter will be required to provide this proof to law enforcement upon request and failure to do so can result in a $1,000 fine. The fine for the manipulation of utility infrastructure has also increased to $1,000 per incident.
The ten day window allows us to drive the projected route to see if our crews will be needed to safely move the lines out of the path of your load. Our job is to help you safely move through our service area. We charge a $100 deposit per crossing that must be paid in advance of the move. Once the move is completed we will charge you only the actual cost of the work we are required to do to allow the load to move safely through our territory.
To help transporters meet the new legal requirements, Southwest Public Power District is providing a form for you to use. You can download it by clicking the link below.
You will need to provide the requested information at least 10 days prior to the date of the move. You can fax or email the completed form back to the district. The district will then complete our portion and return it to you.
To see which electric utilities are on your path of travel, you can see a map of service territories by clicking on the link below which will take you to the Nebraska Power Review Board interactive map of service boundaries.
If you have questions please feel free to call our office at 308-285-3295.